Raven.Studio.zip Index.html not available

I had RavenDb embedded in a aspnet.core web api and I was getting this error when I tried to reach Raven Studio: The following file was not available: index.html....
RavenDB logo

RavenDB embedded with ASP NET Core web API

This post describes how you can set up a simple ASP NET Core web API with Visual Studio 2017 to use an embedded RavenDB. This is a step by...

Using Deployment setting on Production Environment

When i studied for the Microsoft exam (70-562, Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Application Development) i found an interesting setting that i didn’t known, the Deployment.This configuration setting ensures...

The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. )

Because I have pages with the markup <%= someVariable%> like <script type="text/javascript"> function ConfirmCallBack(arg) ...

Codesmith, netTiers and reserved words

Started today using Codesmith tools today after a year or so since the last time that I used this great generation template based tool. I had to generate...

Dealing with Memory Pressure problems in MOSS and WSS

I just a found another great post about memory management and performance issues on the SharePoint platform. This article defines the concept of "Memory Pressure" and discusses in great...

Page.EnableEventValidation and “Invalid postback or callback argument” error

I developed a custom web part that basically renders a form and submits the entered data into a SharePoint list. The problem I was having is that when the...

Add a custom section to web.config

If you have created a custom section like this, and if you want to add it programmatically to web.config then you have to: Use the WebConfigurationManager class and open the...

Different web.configs

In the project that I'm currently working I had a problem because my connection strings are different from the other developers: I want to work locally in my SQL...

Posting back in a modal popup

If you have a server-side form that needs to post back to itself, and that form is in a window made available through window.showModalDialog call, the postback will cause...