Home Authors Posts by Raúl Ribeiro

Raúl Ribeiro

Raúl Ribeiro

Error after installing Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for Windows Workflow

After installing VS 2005 Extensions for Windows Workflow , my VS 2005 stopped working.What happens is that he starts a process but he doesn...

Download WSS 3 and MOSS 2007 Trial Version

Microsoft has released WSS 3 and MOSS 2007 trial version.Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=2e6e5a9c-ebf6-4f7f-8467-f4de6bd6b831&DisplayLang=enWindows SharePoint Services 3.0http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=d51730b5-48fc-4ca2-b454-8dc2caf93951&DisplayLang=en

Which SharePoint 2007 Edition technology is right for you?

I was looking for a list of functional areas and a comparison of features available across the different editions of Microsoft SharePoint Product and...

7 reasons why developers will love SharePoint 2007 (WSS 3.0 and...

From JOPX Blog1. Built on top of ASP.NET 2.0 Web Parts (But also master pages, provider model, ….) Site template with behaviors + different components...

Workflow stops working in MOSS 2007 B2TR

When trying to create a workflow, i received the erro:There has been a critical error while processing the form. Click Start Over to load...

Sharepoint 2007 B2TR Seach Error

If this url http://URL/$Resources:List_Pages_UrlName appears when you try to run an "All Site" query in a subsite, on Sharepoint 2007 B2TR, you need to...

SpSiteDataQuery – Nova classe para Executar CAML Queries no Sharepoint 2007

O Sharepoint 2007 vem com uma nova classe, muito útil, para executar CAML queries. Devem estar a pensar, mas o Sharepoint 2003 também tinha a...

Mudar BD de SharePoint 2007 de Sql Server

Precisei de mudar as base de dados, de uma instalação de Sharepoint 2007, de um servidor para outro.Para o fazer efectuei os seguintes passos:Backup...

Procedimentos para actualizar o MOSS 2007 Beta 2 para B2TR (com...

Acabo de encontrar no blog, de Amanda Murphy, dois PDF's com os procedimentos e imagens para a actualização Sharepoint 2007 para B2TR. Os links são: MOSS...

Mail merge a partir de uma lista de Sharepoint

Mail Merge no Word usando como base uma lista de Sharepoint, parece interessante ?   Se sim, e se já experimentaram, chegaram à conclusão que não...