Home Authors Posts by Ricardo Costa

Ricardo Costa

Ricardo Costa
Solution Architect at |create|it|. Member of the Systems Integration and Web Development team. More recently, manager of the RAD team (Rapid Application Development) with greater focus on the OutSystems platform. Special topics of current interest include: Solution Architecture design, Integration Patterns and Enterprise Application Patterns, Software Factories, Code Generation, Web Development.

No data type ‘TYPE’ could be found – OutSystems Combo Box

I was trying to set up a Combo Box bounded to a static entity and I got this error when I published the website: Internal...

Cloud Pro Pt – Meeting #3

Registration for Cloud Pro PT next meeting is open. Check out the awesome agenda: 18:30 - Welcome - Snacks 19:00 - Service Fabric - The Magic Happens...

Converting a Vertical Table to an Horizontal Table in SQL Server

Today I've encountered a vertical table in an SQL Database and I wanted to transform it to an horizontal one. A vertical table is...

Speaker at Collab 365

Hi, I'm proud to announce that I was selected to present a session at Collab 365 Global Conference 2016. This is a global online conference...

log4net PatternLayout and PatternConverter

I have the following scenario: I'm using Unity dependency injection container and interception techniques to log some WCF operation calls. I need to log the...

nettiers – GetBy Index problem with StoredProcedure long name

Today I've discovered a problem with CodeSmith nettiers templates because it was possible to generate two SPs with the same name, for different entities. This happens when...

Got my first IoT device

Hi, yesterday I got my first Arduino. Here it is my first sketch... the blink sketch :) And the Arduino IDE blink sketch // the setup function...

SQL Persisted Computed Column ANSI_NULLS

I had to recreate a table in SQL Server just because it was created with ANSI_NULLS ON Here you can check the requirements to create...

Add WCF Message Id in every log4net message

I needed to have the WCF message identifier in every log message because I needed to correlate the log messages from a particular WCF...

Custom properties log4net

I had the need to add some custom properties in my log4net messages. I used the log4net contexts like this: log4net.ThreadContext.Properties = messageId; And then updated my...