Tiago Oliveira
Using xpath function in orchestrations
Xpath is a function that can be used in any orchestration to set and retrieve data from/to messages.The syntax is very simple:Set a value...
Replace namespace prefix pipeline component
In some biztalk integrations with legacy systems, there are message specifications that requires a specific namespace prefix, but all biztalk messages use ns0, ns1,...
How to – Validate Windows Workflow custom activity input
Windows Workflow allow us to perform custom validator input that is executed at design and compile time. The error output is similar as Biztalk Orchestration...
Using WF CallExternalMethod activity in Windows Workflow
The CallExternalMethod Activity allows us to make synchronous communication between Workflow and the Host through the Local Service using Local Service Communication. Local Service...
Como executar pesquisas ao estado de um Workflow de máquina de...
Um Workflow de máquina de estados permite que sejam efectuadas pesquisas sobre uma instância. Para tal deve-se usar um objecto da classe StateMachineWorkflowInstance (System.Workflow.Activities), que...
Ciclo de Webcasts – Introdução ao Windows Workflow Foundation com a...
Nos passados dia 3 e 4 de março fiz uns webcasts para Webcasts4share da Microsoft sob o tema "Introdução ao Windows Workflow Foundation com a...
Set Sharepoint workflow task permissions
I have saw many posts about this problem, many questions but few answers. So, how do we set permissions to workflow tasks:In workflow code behind...
Custom Property demotion – Using IDocumentSpec and IPropertyAnnotation
Sometimes the property demotion rules are very difficult to apply in the Xml Assembler Pipeline. There are some limitations: • The Biztalk context dependency forces...
Dicas relativamente a event handlers de sharepoint
Aqui vão algumas dicas no desenvolvimento de handlers de sharepoint:Um event handler relativamente a items, usa as permissões do utilizador que o submete.Terá de...