Home Authors Posts by Raúl Ribeiro

Raúl Ribeiro

Raúl Ribeiro

DevDays 2009 @ IST – TagusPark

Terminou o DevDays 2009. Este ano o evento era para ser menor em relação ao dos últimos dois anos, contudo penso que se superou...

Code Access Security (CAS) Policies and WSP Builder

Code Access Security (CAS) is an important technology for both SharePoint administrators and developers.But everyone that have the need to create one of this...

Sign Unsigned Assembly in .net

When you have an assembly, that is not signed, and you need to sign it you will need to run the following commands:MSIL Disassembler (Ildasm.exe)-...

TechEd EMEA 2008

Next week i'll be @ TechEd EMEA 2008 Developers in Barcelona with my colleague João Martins aka "Jota".I hope it will be a very interesting week,...

Using SPUserToken

When you need to do something in a list or item, in SharePoint, with a specific user you can use the SPUserToken.Here is an...

SharePoint Infrastructure Update and SharePoint SP1 environments

Great news.For some reason if you need to install a Publishing Site, developed in a SharePoint 2007 with infrastructure update, in a SharePoint 2007...

Integrate SharePoint Server 2007 with Search Server 2008

If you have a client that needs a SharePoint 2007 Farm, with for example one SharePoint front-end and a index server, Microsoft recommends that...

SPSiteDataQuery – Query cannot be completed because the number of lists...

What to do when you try to execute a SPSiteDataQuery and sharepoint returns this error message: "The query cannot be completed because the number of...

Create new MOSS masterpages

When you want to create a masterpage you should start with the Minimal.master page up on MSDN. It's a basic master page. It has...

Apply Changes to SharePoint Theme to all sites and subsites

This post can be used to resolve two problems/issues of SharePoint 2007/2010 and WSS 3.0. When you define the site theme, is created the _themes...