2008 Lang.Net Symposium

I still didn't read the reports about it, but this looks like it was a great event. Just look at the agenda: C#, Volta, IronRuby and Ruby.NET, the DLR,,...


Em qualquer discussão de Arquitectura de Software ou de tópicos como gestão de projecto são frequentes as analogias com Arquitectura no seu sentido "tradicional", quer reforçadas quer negadas. Não...

eCommerce Solutions on Windows Azure – Microsoft Lisboa 2013.04.10 (update)

I’ll be presenting with Raúl Ribeiro tomorrow at the Window Azure Spring Summit at Microsoft in Lisboa. The event will include several sessions focused on the Azure support for...

ITARC15 Architecting a Large Software Project – Lessons Learned

This morning I presented my “Lessons Learned” workshop at ITARC 2015 in Stockholm, Sweden. This session had previously been presented at Netponto, and was improved with more content targeted...

«Hope, Unfortunately, has never been a very effective strategy»

You have to love that sentence, in an article about IT and its challenges. The article is titled "The Trouble With Enterprise Software", by Cynthia Rettig, and - much in...

MS SOA Architecture Center e PPT’s TechEd

A MS lançou um Architecture Center dedicado a Service Oriented Architecture. Podem encontrar lá, entre outros, o artigo do Pat Helland ("Metropolis") que já referi. Aproveito para deixar o URL...

BizTalk 2004/2006: Cross References

Um dos cenários em que o BizTalk é usado com frequência é para fazer sincronização de entidades entre diferentes sistemas. Neste tipo de aplicações, sucede existirem nesses sistemas identificadores...

Webcasts: SOA, WSE, Biztalk

Os webcasts da MS são das formas mais interessantes de ter overviews rápidos de determinada tecnologia ou tema. De entre os webcasts dos próximos dias, seleccionei os seguintes, que...

BizTalk 2010 R2

Steef-Jan has a great post about the next release of BizTalk Server in his blog. It seems to be mostly a platform upgrade, but the improvements in the area...

PDC08 + TechEd Emea 2008

Next week I’ll be off at PDC08, which is shaping up to be as good as PDC05 was, with a lot of sessions on Today’s hot topic: Cloud Computing....