Live blogging from PDC2008

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PDC08 + TechEd Emea 2008

Next week I’ll be off at PDC08, which is shaping up to be as good as PDC05 was, with a lot of sessions on Today’s hot topic: Cloud Computing....

PDC(loud) 2007

For me, this year's PDC in LA will totally be about the "Cloud". Sure topics that interest me are Mesh and Sql Server Data Services (SSDS), but I'm sure...

“The E-Myth Revisited” and The World After Summer

I've been reading "The E Myth Revisited", by Michael Gerber. The book is all about entrepreneurs and small companies, and why they usually fail. The following quote is right...

PDC 2008

The PDC 2005 was the best conference I ever attended. Seeing WF and WCF for the first time, as well as the DSL Tools and lots of other stuff,...

Live Mesh impressions

I've been trying out Live Mesh in the last few days, and I am amazed at how well it works, and at the possibilities it opens in terms of...

What’s going on in the web after all?

I don't usually post lists of links, but I've been reading all that has been coming out following the Google's AppEngine announcement, and thought it would be a good...

GASp – Journey to the center of the cloud

Last night I delivered a presentation in a GASP meeting on cloud computing, social networking, impacts on architecture, development, and even society. A conceptual and high-level session, destined to...

«Does IT Matter», and Waves of Innovation

A few years back I read Francis Fukuyama's "The End of History and the Last Man", a book that presented and defended the theory that the current political and...

"Journey to the Center of the Cloud" – Internal Presentation

Last Friday I delivered an internal presentation on the overall concepts of cloud computing, talking about what some of the players in this space are doing: SalesForce and it's "Platform-as-a-Service"...