Dealing with Memory Pressure problems in MOSS and WSS

I just a found another great post about memory management and performance issues on the SharePoint platform. This article defines the concept of "Memory Pressure" and discusses in great...

Page.EnableEventValidation and “Invalid postback or callback argument” error

I developed a custom web part that basically renders a form and submits the entered data into a SharePoint list. The problem I was having is that when the...

Add a custom section to web.config

If you have created a custom section like this, and if you want to add it programmatically to web.config then you have to: Use the WebConfigurationManager class and open the...

How to create a custom section for an application config file

First we need to create a custom ConfigurationElement. This configuration element only has a value attribute. public class MyConfigurationElement : ConfigurationElement { /// <summary> ///...

Different web.configs

In the project that I'm currently working I had a problem because my connection strings are different from the other developers: I want to work locally in my SQL...

Posting back in a modal popup

If you have a server-side form that needs to post back to itself, and that form is in a window made available through window.showModalDialog call, the postback will cause...

SAP .NET Connector e a passagem de campos do tipo Date

O SAP .NET Connector é um ambiente de desenvolvimento que permite a comunicação entre aplicações .NET e sistemas SAP. A sua utilização é relativamente simples, funcionando na forma de...

Setting the original file name when using Response.BinaryWrite()

Imagine you have file saved in a database. Then you have an aspx page that gets that page and sends it back to the user. If you just simply use Response.BinaryWrite you...

Aprovisionamento de sites no IIS6 usando uma aplicação ASP.NET

O exemplo apresentado de seguida permite efectuar a criação de um site no IIS6 a partir de uma template. Esta solução torna-se particularmente útil para cenários em que seja necessário...

Enterprise Library: Criar ligação à base de dados de forma dinâmica

Já alguma vez precisaram, usando o Enterprise Library, de estabelecer uma ligação com um número de base de dados variável e em que a base de dados a ligar...