Sign Unsigned Assembly in .net

When you have an assembly, that is not signed, and you need to sign it you will need to run the following commands:MSIL Disassembler (Ildasm.exe)- Assembler (Ilasm.exe) -

Provision a database programmatically in Azure SQL database with a failover group

This post will explain how to provision a database programmatically in a Azure SQL database and add it to an Azure SQL failover group. Introduction An Azure SQL Server failover group...

Design Principles for AJAX Applications

Design Principles for AJAX Applications Minimise traffic between browser and server so that the user feels the application is responsive. Be clear on the interaction mode being used - regular...

Asp.Net “Atlas”

Asp.Net AtlasAsp.Net Atlas ForumASP.NET “Atlas” is a package of new Web development technologies that integrates an extensive set of client script libraries with the rich, server-based development platform of...

Posting back in a modal popup

If you have a server-side form that needs to post back to itself, and that form is in a window made available through window.showModalDialog call, the postback will cause...

SharePoint Tools Galore List

  SharePoint toolsuites Coras workplace suiteSuite with rollup webparts (for news,documents,tasks,...), navigation controls and full language localization (This is way cool...) Syntergy Provide lots of modules such as replication technologies for...

DevDays 2009

Realizou-se a semana passada o DevDays 2009, o evento anual da Microsoft Portugal destinado a juntar profissionais e curiosos em torno das tecnologias da casa, que este ano foi...

LINQ to XML: How to use it?

Frequently, the most of people use XPATH to do xml manipulation. But if you want another way to manipulate XML, you can use LINQ to XML.Supposing that we have...

How to run another application or batch file from my Visual C# .NET code

Example 1.Running a command line application, without concern for the results: private void Run(){    System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"C:runFile.bat");} Example 2.Retrieving the results and waiting until the process stops (running the process synchronously): private...

SAP .NET Connector e a passagem de campos do tipo Date

O SAP .NET Connector é um ambiente de desenvolvimento que permite a comunicação entre aplicações .NET e sistemas SAP. A sua utilização é relativamente simples, funcionando na forma de...