MSDN Architecture Webcast: p&p live: Integration Patterns

Estive há pouco a ver o webcast que refiro no título. Esperava um resumo do documento novo da MS de Integration Patterns, afinal foi uma sessão apresentada pelo Gregor...

BizTalk Server and Code Generation

BizTalk Orchestrations are visual descriptions of processes, models of behaviour and interactions. These models are the basis for a code generation step, during which BizTalk converts the orchestrations into...

BizTalk 2006 r2 e adaptador WCF

Talvez a maior novidade prevista para o BizTalk Server 2006 R2, que vai sair em meados de 2007, seja a integração com o Windows Communication Foundation (bom, isto para...

Using xpath function in orchestrations

Xpath is a function that can be used in any orchestration to set and retrieve data from/to messages.The syntax is very simple:Set a value in message xpath(message, "xpathQuery") =...

PDC08 + TechEd Emea 2008

Next week I’ll be off at PDC08, which is shaping up to be as good as PDC05 was, with a lot of sessions on Today’s hot topic: Cloud Computing....

Developing Integrated Applications using BizTalk Server 2004

Começou hoje um curso de e-learning com o título descrito acima, leccionado pela Microsoft, e que dura até dia 16 de Julho. Tem duas turmas (manhã e tarde... GMT-7,...

BTDF – Generate specific environment binding

BizTalk Deployment Framework (BTDF) is known as the best way to perform BizTalk artifacts installation. It's also the only way (I know) to create an automatic BizTalk deployment. If you don't...

BizTalk 2004/2006: Not all Delay Shapes are created the same

While doing a simple copy&paste of a Delay shape to the outside of a Listen block, I noticed a slight difference between the use of delay shapes inside and...

BizTalk 2006 : exame 71-235 e novas samples

A versão beta do exame 70-235 vai pode fazer-se entre 24 de Maio e 7 de Junho. Este exame conta para a certificação MCP/BizTalk 2006 Technology Specialist (segundo informação...

PDC(loud) 2007

For me, this year's PDC in LA will totally be about the "Cloud". Sure topics that interest me are Mesh and Sql Server Data Services (SSDS), but I'm sure...