MVP Summit: Getting Ready
My second trip to USA's East Coast will be to Seattle/Redmond, where the MVP Summit is being held. My agenda, the Connected Systems Track ("BizTalk, WCF and WF experts...
BizTalk 2006: Tool to add application and references from the command line
BizTalk Server 2006 allows us to use the concept of Application to logically organize the artifacts in our solutions, such as orchestrations, schemas, send and receive ports, etc. Further,...
BizTalk: Wire Tap
Debugging in BizTalk (and other async/messaging-based solutions) can be complex, and very often the UIs (the Admin Console and Hat) don't give you enough tracking information, either because you've...
BizTalk 2006: Custom Functoids and their Icons
When you develop custom functoids in BizTalk Server 2006, one of the steps you have to do is create icons to represent them in the mapper. These functoids...
BizTalk 2006 r2 e adaptador WCF
Talvez a maior novidade prevista para o BizTalk Server 2006 R2, que vai sair em meados de 2007, seja a integração com o Windows Communication Foundation (bom, isto para...
Terminar orquestrações suspensas usando WMI
Quem está farto de usar o Hat para terminar orquestrações suspensas, poderá usar um script WMI da seguinte forma:query = "SELECT * FROM MSBTS_ServiceInstance where ServiceClass = 1 and ServiceInstanceStatus =...
Publicação de vários tipos de mensagens para o Biztalk por Web Service
A publicação de mensagens de diversos schemas para o Biztalk, envolve um conjunto de questões.Normalmente segue-se a abordagem de criar Web Services com os Schemas das mensagens usando o “Web Service Publishing...
Pro BizTalk 2006 (Dunphy and Metwally)
I have recently bought the two books Apress put out about BizTalk 2006, "Pro BizTalk 2006" and "BizTalk 2006 Recipes", and started by reading the first. After the first...
BizTalk: faster to transform with maps or in code?
I have been testing a scenario hinted about in a discussion at TechEd with a fellow MVP. This is the basic idea: which is faster? using the BizTalk Mapper,...
DEV401 – BizTalk Server 2006 for XML Developers (Aaron Skonnard)
Uma sessão nível 400 que devia ser 300, sem novidades ou muita profunidade. Algumas demos introdutórias, e a ilustração de aspectos onde o Xml é utilizado no BizTalk: o...