
SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. Launched in 2001, SharePoint is primarily sold as a document management and storage system, but the product is highly configurable and usage varies substantially between organizations.

SharePoint Tip #17: Testing if an Office Document is Open

In a Document Library, when you create a new document using the New button (or edit one that already exists), SharePoint will open the proper client application (if it...

Retracting a WSS 3.0 Solution

On WSS or MOSS it's easy to retract and remove solutions but sometimes the process gets stuck. And when this happens we have only one solution to the problem. When...

Strange problem when Publishing Infopath Forms to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server

Today one of my colleague, actually one of my bosses :) was preparing a MOSS presentation and when he was Publishing a InfoPath Form to MOSS a strange thing...

Deleting Page Layouts on Microsoft Office SharePoint Server WCM

Sometimes when i want to delete a MOSS WCM Page Layout, Sharepoint Designer tells me that the Page Layout has page attached to him even when i know that there is...

SharePoint Tip #16: List Base Types

When defining a List Template, using a SharePoint feature, one needs to specify the Base Type attribute (see sample below). <Elements xmlns="">    <ListTemplate        BaseType="0"        Category="Custom Lists"        Name="ConfigurationList"        DisplayName="Configuration List"        Description="My...

Very Useful Stsadm command line reference


MOSS 2007: How can I make my web site faster with caching?

Os sites desenvolvidos utilizando tecnologias SharePoint guardam toda a informação em bases de dados Sql Server. Tendo em consideração as penalizações de desempenho decorrentes das chamadas à base de...

Dicas relativamente a event handlers de sharepoint

Aqui vão algumas dicas no desenvolvimento de handlers de sharepoint:Um event handler relativamente a items, usa as permissões do utilizador que o submete.Terá de se ter cuidado, pois esta...

SharePoint Tip #15: Testing the Display Mode of a Web Part

When developing a web part (whether in WSS 3.0 or in ASP.Net 2.0) it can be important that it appears differently if the user is in edit mode. The simplest...

BDC Xml Intellisense

When we work with MOSS 2007 and BDC we realize that to create BDC XML files is very complicated, a Intellisense for Visual Studio, would be welcome...And that it...