
SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. Launched in 2001, SharePoint is primarily sold as a document management and storage system, but the product is highly configurable and usage varies substantially between organizations.

SPC’09: Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Development Tools Overview

Disclaimer: This post is based on notes taken while watching a conference session. For that reason, it may contain incorrect information or data that I might have misunderstood. ...

SharePoint in plain English

 If you're new to SharePoint, or working with people who are new to SharePoint and have a hard time explaining what it is, you might find the SharePoint in...

Sharepoint 2007 no seu Telémovel

Uma das características interessantes no MOSS 2007 é o suporte em torno dos dispositivos móveis. Neste artigo, vou tentar dar uma visão geral de como se pode começar a...

MOSS 2007 and Accessibility

A importância da acessibilidade no desenvolvimento dos sites tem vindo a crescer. Cada vez mais, não chega apresentar a informação, mas também apresentá-la de forma a que seja acessível...

Customizing and Branding Web Content Management-Enabled SharePoint Sites

A three parts article about how to Customize a WCM MOSS SiteCustomizing and Branding Web Content Management-Enabled SharePoint Sites (Part 1 of 3): Understanding Web Content Management and the...

I’m Coming Back!

I’ve just noticed that I haven’t posted anything for more than a year now and I have no good excuses for this absence. It’s actually a bit unfair to...

Using Ajax.NET under SharePoint

Retirado de : Angus Logan I’m having a play with Ajax.NET because I have some somewhat unique requirements from an application which is delivered under SharePoint. The requirement is that a...

BDC Xml Intellisense

When we work with MOSS 2007 and BDC we realize that to create BDC XML files is very complicated, a Intellisense for Visual Studio, would be welcome...And that it...

Office 2007, SharePoint Server 2007 e WSS

SharePoint 2007 - General information SharePoint Server 2007 - Hidden gems Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 ROI How to: Install Sharepoint 2007 Beta1TR on a single machine WSS v3 Notes...

O Unknown Document Type

Quando se associam Content Types a uma Document Library existe a possibilidade de definir que a Document Library aceita qualquer Content Type. Isso corresponde a associar um tipo especial...