SharePoint Conference 2012

The SharePoint Conference is always a great event, but when it matches the launch of a new SharePoint version it rises to a whole other level. According to Jeff...

European SharePoint Conference 2014

The European SharePoint Conference 2014, Europe’s largest SharePoint-focused conference, took place last week (May 5th to May 8th) in Barcelona, and it was a great! I was fortunate to...

the European SharePoint Conference 2015 was great!

The fourth edition of the European SharePoint Conference has now finished and it was bigger and better than ever. It took place in the wonderful city of Stockholm, in...

SharePoint Conference 2014: Keynote Takeaways

Microsoft’s SharePoint Conference 2014 started yesterday in Las Vegas with a keynote by Bill Clinton, followed by the usual suspects, Jared Spataro, Jeff Teper and Arpan Shah, presenting all...

I’m Coming Back!

I’ve just noticed that I haven’t posted anything for more than a year now and I have no good excuses for this absence. It’s actually a bit unfair to...