This post describes how you can set up a simple ASP NET Core web API with Visual Studio 2017 to use an embedded RavenDB. This is a step by step tutorial.
a) You need to create a new ASP.NET Core Web Application with Visual Studio 2017
b) Choose .NET Core; ASP.NET Core 2.1; API
c) Right click the new project -> Manage NuGet packages
d) You have to add a new package source. Settings. New package source.
Name: MyGet
e) Choose the new source. Add:
RavenDB.Embedded – 4.1.1-nightly-20180904-0430
RavenDB.Client – 4.1.1-nightly-20180904-0430
f) Create a DocumentStoreHolder class
internal class DocumentStoreHolder { private static Lazy<IDocumentStore> store = new Lazy<IDocumentStore>(CreateStore); public static IDocumentStore Store => store.Value; private static IDocumentStore CreateStore() { var serverOptions = new ServerOptions() { ServerUrl = "", }; EmbeddedServer.Instance.StartServer(serverOptions); return EmbeddedServer.Instance.GetDocumentStore("MyRavenDBStore"); } }
g) And that’s it 🙂