Remote resource handling in a MVC website project

I don't have very fond memories of using .Net resource files (.resx) to handle the translation of static web page elements such as form labels. The Visual Studio resx editor...

Add WCF Message Id in every log4net message

I needed to have the WCF message identifier in every log message because I needed to correlate the log messages from a particular WCF call. The best way to achieve...

IoT: Raspberry Pi2 and Azure Event Hubs and Mono and SQL Database–experiences

A couple of months ago I bought a Pi2 , to complement the Pi1 I use mostly as a media center. I also bought modmypi’s Raspberry Pi YouTube Workshop...

A Multi-Tenant Website in MVC

In my most recent project we had the need to build multiple websites that would share some common functionalities but would be installed in separate servers and would be...

ITARC15 Architecting a Large Software Project – Lessons Learned

This morning I presented my “Lessons Learned” workshop at ITARC 2015 in Stockholm, Sweden. This session had previously been presented at Netponto, and was improved with more content targeted...

«Architecting a Large Software Project – Lessons Learned» @ Netponto 50th Meeting – Lisboa...

Two weeks ago I presented a session at the 50th meeting of the Lisbon Netponto Group, the largest community of .Net development in Lisboa. This two-hour session, which was...

Pre-set common viewmodel properties before action result

So, I defined a master model that is shared by every view in my MVC site. This model defines a bunch of properties that are always used on every page,...

How to Access the Previous Row and Next Row value in SELECT statement?

LAG - USE AdventureWorks2012; GO SELECT BusinessEntityID, YEAR(QuotaDate) AS SalesYear, SalesQuota AS CurrentQuota, LAG(SalesQuota, 1,0) OVER (ORDER BY YEAR(QuotaDate)) AS PreviousQuota FROM Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory WHERE BusinessEntityID = 275...

Microsoft WebCamp 2014: Working with AngularJS

Last week I delivered a session at Microsoft WebCamp 2014 event. A full-day event, with 3 simultaneous session tracks, focused on web technologies, not only from Microsoft but also...

Microsoft WebCamp 20.05.2014–Databinding with KnockoutJS

Earlier this week I did a presentation at Microsoft WebCamp 2014, a 3-track event focused on Microsoft web technologies, open source web libraries, and design/communication trends and tendencies. The...