Object Orientation, herança, gets e sets, módulos e BizTalk
No seguimento de uma apresentação do GASP no Porto, dedicada a Padrões de Desenho, e de uma recomendação nesse sentido, comecei a ler um livro chamado “Holub on Patterns:...
SharePoint Associating a Workflow to a list
Continuing from my last post, one thing that you also may want to do when programmatically creating a list is associating a workflow with a given configuration (e.g. Approval...
ESB Guidance – Some notes on the installation
I've been playing with the ESB Guidance for some time now, in preparation for the session I'm presenting at TechDays 2008 on that topic. While doing this, I had...
Using log4net logging services
Whenever you have the need for debugging some application that by whatever reason cannot be properly debugged in Visual Studio, or even because your application requires some kind of...
Microsoft Live Labs Pivot
I’ve been trying out Pivot in the last few days, downloaded from here. Pretty amazing thing, crossing the power of DeepZoom with structured information. I can’t help but imagine...
IoT: Raspberry Pi2 and Azure Event Hubs and Mono and SQL Database–experiences
A couple of months ago I bought a Pi2 , to complement the Pi1 I use mostly as a media center. I also bought modmypi’s Raspberry Pi YouTube Workshop...
The future of dynamic color palettes in CSS
When you have a theme based on a color picked by your users, it can be hard to find intermediate values for things like hover and active states, or...
Transactions for the Common Type: finalmente!
Quando estive no TechEd este ano com o Tiago Pascoal, vimos uma apresentação do Juwal Lowy sobre as Transactions for the Common Type, no Dutch .Net User Group. Nesta...
Microsoft WebCamp 20.05.2014–Databinding with KnockoutJS
Earlier this week I did a presentation at Microsoft WebCamp 2014, a 3-track event focused on Microsoft web technologies, open source web libraries, and design/communication trends and tendencies. The...
BizTalk: Wire Tap
Debugging in BizTalk (and other async/messaging-based solutions) can be complex, and very often the UIs (the Admin Console and Hat) don't give you enough tracking information, either because you've...