Debugging Windows Services

Recently I had to develop my first Windows Service in C#. I had already done Services in C++, and I was used to launch and debug the Services thru Visual Studio...

Excel Services v1

I have been doing some tests/prototypes using Excel Services (included in MOSS2007). Excel Services is a new product, a server-side implementation of Excel. Its big selling point is that...

Log4net Initialization/Configuration alternatives

In a previous post where I talked about using log4net I used one of the alternative ways to initialize and configure the logging services. This post will summarize...

What’s going on in the web after all?

I don't usually post lists of links, but I've been reading all that has been coming out following the Google's AppEngine announcement, and thought it would be a good...
TugaIT Preview Image

100 hours of fun: Tuga IT 2017!

Tuga IT is surely one of the best and biggest tech events happening at Portugal. Look at this: A three-day event with a full day of workshops and two full days...

ESB Guidance 2.0 (CTP)

There’s an announcement around for the ESB Guidance 2.0 CTP (October 2008). It’s good to know that this is already getting worked on to have new features and work...

CSS Scroll Shadows

Nowadays, it's crucial that your webpages are responsive. The problem we sometimes run into, is the fact that some components don't adapt well into mobile. In this post, we'll look...

Dicas a correr: SD Times e PodCasts

O Software Development Times (SD Times) é a melhor publicação que conheço sobre o estado da indústria do software. Sem ser focada apenas numa tecnologia, inclui notícias sobre o que...

PDC(loud) 2007

For me, this year's PDC in LA will totally be about the "Cloud". Sure topics that interest me are Mesh and Sql Server Data Services (SSDS), but I'm sure...

Performing broker migrations on your Kafka consumers

When using Kafka for communication between systems, you may find yourself having to change your consumer configuration. This may happen due to the publisher changing topic, or a new...