.NET EF Core 6 support for groupby top(n) queries

EF Core 6 comes with some GroupBy queries improvements. In this post I wanna talk about the improvements related to "group by top(n)" queries. Let's say we have the following...
NoSQL introduction

NoSQL First Act – a historical introduction

NoSQL databases introduction and dominant features. A historical perspective to their appearance in a world dominated by relational model databases.

How to Access the Previous Row and Next Row value in SELECT statement?

LAG - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh231256.aspx USE AdventureWorks2012; GO SELECT BusinessEntityID, YEAR(QuotaDate) AS SalesYear, SalesQuota AS CurrentQuota, LAG(SalesQuota, 1,0) OVER (ORDER BY YEAR(QuotaDate)) AS PreviousQuota FROM Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory WHERE BusinessEntityID = 275...

GRANT permission to all stored procedures

If you need to grant a specified permission to all stored prcedures you can execute the following scriptDECLARE @User sysname SET @User = '<USER>' SELECT 'GRANT EXECUTE ON '...