Como Serializar um Objecto para XML e Deserializar um XML para Objecto

Serializar um Objecto para String (XML) StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(OBJECT)); serializer.Serialize(sw, getAcessoryEquipmentsRequest.SearchCriteria); strXML = sw.ToString(); Deserializar uma String (XML) para Objecto StringReader sr = new StringReader(strXML); XmlSerializer serializer =...

Page.EnableEventValidation and “Invalid postback or callback argument” error

I developed a custom web part that basically renders a form and submits the entered data into a SharePoint list. The problem I was having is that when the...

Aprovisionamento de sites no IIS6 usando uma aplicação ASP.NET

O exemplo apresentado de seguida permite efectuar a criação de um site no IIS6 a partir de uma template. Esta solução torna-se particularmente útil para cenários em que seja necessário...

How to Handle known Exceptions?

This post will describe several ways to handle known Exceptions in a project. For each possible implementation, we will do an overview of the flow that the exception does to...

Adapting .netTiers for Enterprise Library v6.0 and .NET v4.5

Code generation is now more than ever a core activity in software development. With the growing complexity of systems and the need to meet deadlines, getting your database access...
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RavenDB embedded with ASP NET Core web API

This post describes how you can set up a simple ASP NET Core web API with Visual Studio 2017 to use an embedded RavenDB. This is a step by...

LINQ to XML: How to use it?

Frequently, the most of people use XPATH to do xml manipulation. But if you want another way to manipulate XML, you can use LINQ to XML.Supposing that we have...

nettiers – GetBy Index problem with StoredProcedure long name

Today I've discovered a problem with CodeSmith nettiers templates because it was possible to generate two SPs with the same name, for different entities. This happens when there are two indexes for...

Add a custom section to web.config

If you have created a custom section like this, and if you want to add it programmatically to web.config then you have to: Use the WebConfigurationManager class and open the...

SharePoint 2007 – Checking if a Workflow Instance is Completed

Introduction This blog post will show you how to check if a certain workflow instance is completed in a SharePoint list. In this example, let's assume that the default "Documents"...