log4net PatternLayout and PatternConverter

I have the following scenario: I'm using Unity dependency injection container and interception techniques to log some WCF operation calls. I need to log the input parameters and also the...

Quartz.NET: A simple single producer/multi consumer backoff strategy

When handling a producer/consumer problem where there's a single source of data to be consumed by multiple entities, you might arrive at a state where your consumers will start...

SharePoint Tools Galore List

  SharePoint toolsuites Coras workplace suiteSuite with rollup webparts (for news,documents,tasks,...), navigation controls and full language localization (This is way cool...) Syntergy Provide lots of modules such as replication technologies for...

Scott Woodgate and team – Announcing Windows Workflow Foundation

Scott Woodgate and team - Announcing Windows Workflow FoundationAt the PDC Microsoft announced Windows Workflow Foundation. Here Scott Woodgate and team (Abhay Parasnis and Paul Andrew) demonstrate the power...

LINQ to XML: How to use it?

Frequently, the most of people use XPATH to do xml manipulation. But if you want another way to manipulate XML, you can use LINQ to XML.Supposing that we have...

DevDays 2009

Realizou-se a semana passada o DevDays 2009, o evento anual da Microsoft Portugal destinado a juntar profissionais e curiosos em torno das tecnologias da casa, que este ano foi...

Page.EnableEventValidation and “Invalid postback or callback argument” error

I developed a custom web part that basically renders a form and submits the entered data into a SharePoint list. The problem I was having is that when the...

Using Deployment setting on Production Environment

When i studied for the Microsoft exam (70-562, Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Application Development) i found an interesting setting that i didn’t known, the Deployment.This configuration setting ensures...

Setting the original file name when using Response.BinaryWrite()

Imagine you have file saved in a database. Then you have an aspx page that gets that page and sends it back to the user. If you just simply use Response.BinaryWrite you...

nettiers – GetBy Index problem with StoredProcedure long name

Today I've discovered a problem with CodeSmith nettiers templates because it was possible to generate two SPs with the same name, for different entities. This happens when there are two indexes for...