Excel Services v1

I have been doing some tests/prototypes using Excel Services (included in MOSS2007). Excel Services is a new product, a server-side implementation of Excel. Its big selling point is that...

Strange problem when Publishing Infopath Forms to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server

Today one of my colleague, actually one of my bosses :) was preparing a MOSS presentation and when he was Publishing a InfoPath Form to MOSS a strange thing...

Office 2007: GetReady

Na próxima 3ª-feira, dia 30, vai passar por Lisboa o evento GetReady!, com sessões sobre Office 2007, Exchange Server 2007 e Windows Vista. A meu cargo está a primeira...

SharePoint Conference 2014: Keynote Takeaways

Microsoft’s SharePoint Conference 2014 started yesterday in Las Vegas with a keynote by Bill Clinton, followed by the usual suspects, Jared Spataro, Jeff Teper and Arpan Shah, presenting all...

Formação Office 2007 for Developers: Wrap Up

Nas últimas duas semanas tive a oportunidade de voltar a dar formação, desta vez sobre Office 2007, na perspectiva de programadores, tanto relativos ao agora chamado Office Cliente (Outlook,...

MOSS2007 Excel Services – Web Services performance

This is gold: Kb 955144, "You may experience poor performance when you use many SetCell calls in Excel Services". Thanks, Microsoft.

SPC’09: Introduction to Excel and Excel Services 2010: the Top 10 New Features You...

Disclaimer: This post is based on notes taken while watching a conference session. For that reason, it may contain incorrect information or data that I might have misunderstood. Also,...

VSTO 2005 SE Beta

Quem desenvolve para Office cliente, na versão 2003, conhece sem dúvida o VSTO 2005, as Visual Studio Tools for Office, que fazem com que o desenvolvimento para Office se...

Office Developer How-to Center

A Microsoft disponibliza um portal com um conjunto de "How-Tos" sobre Office Development incluindo Office Client, WSS e MOSS. A lista actual é a seguinte: Access 2007 Add (All) Options to...

Answers to some common questions about PDF/XPS Add-in

From Cyndy Wessling blogIs this a one-way publish only, or do we support opening and editing PDFs as well?Save as PDF is a one-way "publish" operation only. We are...