SharePoint Tip #22: Create a User Profile

The best way to create SharePoint User Profiles is to import them from somewhere (Active Directory for instance). This is specially true if you want to create a lot...

SharePoint Tips #25: Beware of User Profile Import

Among SharePoint 2007’s User Profile features, one of the most useful is the Profile Import. This feature allows you to import existing user accounts from Active Directory, an LDAP...

SharePoint Tip #5: Conteúdo de um campo do tipo Lookup

Em SharePoint, utilizam-se campos do tipo Lookup (SPFieldLookup) quando se pretende que exista uma relação 1-N entre duas listas. Ao colocar-se um campo deste tipo numa lista A, é-nos...

SharePoint Tip #24: Changing a Web Site’s Navigation Settings

Changing a web site's navigation settings is pretty easy using the SharePoint user interface. You just click the Site Actions button, select the Site Settings option, and click on...

Performing broker migrations on your Kafka consumers

When using Kafka for communication between systems, you may find yourself having to change your consumer configuration. This may happen due to the publisher changing topic, or a new...

SharePoint Tip #19: Using JavaScript in Body OnLoad Event

When developing web parts or other controls that use JavaScript, it's quite common to need to call some function on the Body OnLoad event of the web page. The...

PPS 2007 Tip #2: The Excel Add-In Is Not Working

Attention: this post refers to the CTP2 version of PerformancePoint Server 2007. If, when opening Excel (2007 or 2003), after installing the PerformancePoint Add-In for Excel, you can't find...

SharePoint Tip #6: Conteúdo de um campo do tipo MultiChoice

O SharePoint permite configurar um campo do tipo Choice para aceitar a selecção de múltiplas alternativas, passando a ser do tipo MultiChoice (SPFieldMultiChoice). Uma vez que se trata apenas...

SharePoint Tip #9: Utilizar o DisableEventFiring() e o EnableEventFiring()

Num event handler de um lista é frequente haver a necessidade de actualizar um item recorrendo ao método Update() da classe SPListItem. Quando este método é chamado são disparados...

The 8+ Day Week with Podcasts – Hidden Parallelizable Time

If you can listen to talk/news radio programs or make phone calls, and at the same time do something else, such as driving, house chores, exercising or routine shopping, then, you can gradually build up to get a full extra day (or more) in your week out of this ability. Podcasts are an easy picking towards taking advantage of your parallelizable time.