There is an issue in BizTalk Server 2004 SP1 that came up while configuring a flat-file disassembler pipeline component with a given document schema. The problem is as follows.

The solution configuration includes three different BizTalk projects: one project containing a flat-file document schema, a second project containing a property schema that is referenced by the first project/schema, and a third project with a receive pipeline. Both the Document Schema and Pipeline projects reference the Property Schema project. The problem is that, with this configuration, I cannot reference/use my document schema in the FFDasm pipeline component: it is not selectable in the Document Schema’s combobox, and I get a compilation error such as this:

S:\mypath\ReceiveDelimited.btp Component ‘Flat file disassembler’ properties validation failed. The document schema “[Fully qualified name of my document schema assembly]” does not exist.

After struggling with this issue for some time, I opened a support case with Microsoft and very quickly got a reply: apparently this is a “limitation” of the product, which does not support this kind of scenario. The issue was solved in VS2005/BizTalk 2006, and to work around it in 2004 Sp1 there are several solutions: a) put the assembly with the property schema in the GAC; b) move the property schema to one of the other two projects; or c) remove the reference to the property schema in the document schema, configure the pipeline component with the document schema, add again the reference to the property schema to the document schema, build and ignore the warning [Note: I can’t be sure, but I seem to remember that I got a compilation error, not a warning, so this last alternative may not work].

[Cross-Posted de]


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