First, you have to add the following references:
- Microsoft.Sharepoint
- Microsoft.Sharepoint.Search
DataTable resultsDataTable = new DataTable();
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://server"))
FullTextSqlQuery query = new FullTextSqlQuery(site);
query.QueryText = queryText;
query.ResultTypes = ResultType.RelevantResults;
ResultTableCollection resultTables = query.Execute();
if (resultTables.Count > 0)
ResultTable relevantResults = resultTables[ResulType.RelevantResults];
resultsDataTable.Load(relevantResults, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges);
return resultsDataTable;
In WSS the only ResultType possible is RelevantResults but you have to define it with the following statement:
query.ResultTypes = ResultType.RelevantResults;
If you don't do that the ResultTableCollection doesn't return any ResultTable.
You can control the properties returned in the SELECT statement:
string queryText = "SELECT rank, workid, title, path, author, contenttype from Scope()";
If you want you can page the results:
int pageSize = 3;
int page = 0;
query.StartRow = page * pageSize;
query.RowLimit = pageSize;
To sort the results you use the ORDER BY statment:
string queryText = "SELECT rank, workid, title, path, author, contenttype from Scope() ORDER BY rank ASC, title DESC";
I don't know why but it seems that only the first sort column works. I tried to change the direction and also the property of the second sort column but the results were always ordered the same way.