Thanks to Shawn Lloyd from Microsoft support team for this information.

I tried to set some additionally attributes like country, timezone, …, but I was getting some errors in the export log file

<BeginExport time="12-11-2007 10:37:06">
<ExportEntry time = "12-11-2007 10:37:10" SigninName = "" ModType = "Add">
<error action="Exception" time="12-11-2007 10:37:14">
<![CDATA[[Exception] : <ErrorCode>0x80048112</ErrorCode>
<ErrorDescription>Multiple Errors Occurred</ErrorDescription>
    <ErrorDescription>No error description</ErrorDescription>
</MultipleErrors><p:userData xmlns:p=""><p:dataOwner>00037FFE8B02F0CF</p:dataOwner><p:propertyCollection name="Addresses_CS"><p:property name="Home.Country">PT</p:property></p:propertyCollection><p:propertyCollection name="Authorization_CS"><p:property name="MSNTOUVersion">-1</p:property><p:property name="F2_Hotmail">1</p:property></p:propertyCollection></p:userData>
[Stack trace] :    at Microsoft.Passport.MIIS_ExtensibleMA.PassportMA.HandleSoapException(String strExceptionSource, String strRelatedInfo, SoapException e)
   at Microsoft.Passport.MIIS_ExtensibleMA.PassportMA.CreateUserProfile(ProfilePropertyBag ProfBag, Boolean fF2Hotmail, Boolean& fProfDup)
   at Microsoft.Passport.MIIS_ExtensibleMA.PassportExtensibleMA.ExportEntry(ModificationType modType, String[] astrChangedAttributes, CSEntry csEntry)
[Source] :

<EndExport time="12-11-2007 10:37:14"/>

It seems that there are some attributes that are interdependent so here is the dependencies that I'm aware:

| Attribute | Required Attributes |
|Birthdate | Country | | |
|Country | Birthdate | | |
|TimeZone | CountryCode | RegionCode | |
|RegionCode | Country | | |

I tried to set the birthday (dd:mm:yyyy) (yes! colons instead of hyphens) and the country and it worked!


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