I was creating a SPD workflow that checks the approval status field. When you add this condition in SPD, the designer automatically gives you a combo box with all the possible values for the approval status field: 1;#Rejected, …

This works fine if you have your site in English. In my case, I have my site in Portuguese, so the designer gives me the options in Portuguese: 1,#Rejeitado

But, when the workflow is running the actual value for the approval status that is used to check the IF condition is the English value

if 1;#Rejected equals 1;#Rejeitado then

This always returns false. The first argument is given by moss and the other is from the workflow rules built with the SPD.

To solve this bug I found a workaround. I’ve created a workflow string variable that whaen the workflow starts receives the approval status value.

Next, instead of comparing the approval status field, I compare the workflow variable with "1;Rejected". This is possible because in this case I have a text box to fill the value instead of the combo box.


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