Collaborative work

Collaborative work, why and how?

The work of a collaborative team allows to produce work that is more than the sum of the individual contributions of the team members. Yes, it is important!

Add scheduled adaptive live tiles to your UWP app

Today I'll help you add some bling to your UWP apps (and maybe something useful) with scheduled live tiles using the built-in features on the W10 SDK and some Azure...

The future of dynamic color palettes in CSS

When you have a theme based on a color picked by your users, it can be hard to find intermediate values for things like hover and active states, or...

Developing a WCF Service – Fault Exceptions AND FAULT Contracts

This next post about WCF will show how to integrate Fault Exceptions and Fault Contracts in your service. As written in MSDN Fault Exceptions are used for "......

10 easy ways to improve web accessibility

When you first start learning about accessibility, it may seem daunting to make your current projects more accessible. In this post, I'll give you some easy steps to make...

Microsoft WebCamp 20.05.2014–Databinding with KnockoutJS

Earlier this week I did a presentation at Microsoft WebCamp 2014, a 3-track event focused on Microsoft web technologies, open source web libraries, and design/communication trends and tendencies. The...

Azure FTP For SharePoint @ GitHub

After a couple of failed starts, I finally decided to start this project. The idea came to me when the first version of the Relay was launched in the...

Remote resource handling in a MVC website project

I don't have very fond memories of using .Net resource files (.resx) to handle the translation of static web page elements such as form labels. The Visual Studio resx editor...

nettiers – GetBy Index problem with StoredProcedure long name

Today I've discovered a problem with CodeSmith nettiers templates because it was possible to generate two SPs with the same name, for different entities. This happens when there are two indexes for...
TugaIT Preview Image

100 hours of fun: Tuga IT 2017!

Tuga IT is surely one of the best and biggest tech events happening at Portugal. Look at this: A three-day event with a full day of workshops and two full days...