Add WCF Message Id in every log4net message

I needed to have the WCF message identifier in every log message because I needed to correlate the log messages from a particular WCF call. The best way to achieve...

Performance Testing An API, How To Start Doing It With JMeter?

This article will talk about how to start using JMeter for Testing an API. How to install JMeter, what are the components of it and how to use it....

How to Handle known Exceptions?

This post will describe several ways to handle known Exceptions in a project. For each possible implementation, we will do an overview of the flow that the exception does to...
NoSQL introduction

NoSQL First Act – a historical introduction

NoSQL databases introduction and dominant features. A historical perspective to their appearance in a world dominated by relational model databases.

How to Access the Previous Row and Next Row value in SELECT statement?

LAG - USE AdventureWorks2012; GO SELECT BusinessEntityID, YEAR(QuotaDate) AS SalesYear, SalesQuota AS CurrentQuota, LAG(SalesQuota, 1,0) OVER (ORDER BY YEAR(QuotaDate)) AS PreviousQuota FROM Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory WHERE BusinessEntityID = 275...
Software development team high five hands together

Project Manager, what for? Developer talk

Disclaimer In this article I don’t intend to list and explain all that is expected of a project manager. Furthermore, nowadays it becomes very difficult to identify the role of the ‘traditional’...

Flushing the BLOB cache in SharePoint 2010

If you’re developing a SharePoint-based public Internet portal, you’re probably using the BLOB (Binary Large Object) cache. This caching mechanism stores a copy of the binary files (images, documents...

SharePoint Associating a Workflow to a list

Continuing from my last post, one thing that you also may want to do when programmatically creating a list is associating a workflow with a given configuration (e.g. Approval...

A Multi-Tenant Website in MVC

In my most recent project we had the need to build multiple websites that would share some common functionalities but would be installed in separate servers and would be...

Developing a WCF Service – Calling the hosted service

In the first part of this topic, I showed you how to develop a WCF service. In this next part I will show how to implement a client application...