Os webcasts da MS são das formas mais interessantes de ter overviews rápidos de determinada tecnologia ou tema. De entre os webcasts dos próximos dias, seleccionei os seguintes, que recomendo:
MSDN Webcast: BizTalk Server 2004: WSE 2.0 and SQL Reporting Services – Level 200 – 6 de Julho [Cancelado]
MSDN Architecture Webcast: patterns & practices Live: Integration Patterns – Level 200 – 8 de Julho
MSDN Architecture Webcast: Application Decomposition for SOA Based Systems – Level 300 – 13 de Julho
Agora só é preciso ter tempo para tudo…
Outra curiosidade: os reports que recebi do TechEd relativos a SOA mantiveram a impressão que tinha até aqui, isto é, que continua tudo a ser muito “teoria-ware“. No entretanto, dois dos capítulos do documento de Integration Patterns são interessantes por serem um pouco mais concretos, e deixo aqui os links:
- Implementing Service-Oriented Integration with ASP.NET
- Implementing Service-Oriented Integration with BizTalk Server 2004
E ainda outro, só para fechar :-), uma nota da ZapThink sobre o que significa afinal “Loosely Coupled” no SOA, do qual cito dois pedaços:
- Getting away from the One Component / One WSDL Mentality: One of the wonderful things about SOAs is that they have contracted interfaces. A software contract is a document that specifies what a particular application or functional component expects of consumers and what those consuming applications can expect of it. […] The cardinal sin induced in this case is the notion that each component must have only one WSDL description, or that a WSDL file can only map to a single component. In a truly loosely coupled SOA, the opposite is far more desirable. In such an SOA, a single piece of application functionality can map to many different WSDL documents – each specifying how a particular group of consumers can access that functionality.
- Stop Static Binding! : SOAs are often visually described as a three-legged triangle in which there are three participants: the Service producer, the Service consumer, and the Service registry. Yet, early adopters often make the mistake of forgetting about the third corner of the SOA triangle: namely the dynamic binding aspect.