User Adoption – Is the cup half full our half empty?

Whenever a client presents a challenge (aka hard problem to solve) there is this temptation to focus on the things that, in the opinion of the person representing the...

Portuguese SharePoint User Group and Microsoft Events

I’m proud to be a member of the new Portuguese SharePoint User Group (SPUG PT) and I’ll be cross-posting and translating all my future posts to the User Group’s...

SharePoint PT: 10th Meeting

If you’re into SharePoint and you happen to be in Lisbon next Saturday, April 16th, then you may be interested in the 10th Meeting of the Portuguese SharePoint Community...

PDC2005: Microsoft, Interoperabilidade e Web Services

Doug Purdy, numa apresentação sobre XML, foi muito claro sobre o compromisso da Microsoft com a Interperabilidade e adopção de standards: "We really are commited to Interoperability. And do you...

TechDays 2007

Estive esta semana no "maior evento técnico anual da Microsoft Portugal", o TechDays 2007. Foram 3 dias preenchidos com mais de 110 sessões e laboratórios focados nas tecnologias mais...

Windows Live ID and MIIS Service Account

To the management agent work correctly with Windows Live the MIIS Service Account must be a member of the local administrators group. If you don't follow this rule...

TUGA IT 2016 – Office 365 / SharePoint Workshops Announced

The TUGA IT Conference 2016 is really coming together now, with the announcement of the pre-conference workshops for the Office 365 / SharePoint workloads. It is nothing short of...

I’m Coming Back!

I’ve just noticed that I haven’t posted anything for more than a year now and I have no good excuses for this absence. It’s actually a bit unfair to...

Day @ Office Episode #5 – Onboarding Talent

Have you ever turned a new team member in complete burnout by information overflow? This is how we can help you.

SPC’09: Building Solutions with Business Connectivity Services using Visual Studio 2010

Disclaimer: This post is based on notes taken while watching a conference session. For that reason, it may contain incorrect information or data that I might have misunderstood. Also,...