Recently I’ve been doing a presentation with my colleague André Vala in academic events (namely IST’s SINFO XIX and FC-UL’s ENEI 2012), themed “Architecture of Complex Software Solutions @ Create It». My part of the session was originally meant to be about the the high-level architecture of a very large project we are working on at the moment.

While developing the contents for the presentation, however, I felt that architecture and technology were no longer on the top of the relevant issues list on the project – the main obstacles were solved in the first few sprints.

I once read this saying «When you solve your largest problem, your second largest problem becomes your largest problem», and this made me center the presentation about what I felt was the most relevant and important challenge for the success of the project – team dynamics.

I later decided to expand these contents to include other projects I was involved with in the past and which I feel made me learn valuable lessons in how to manage a team to achieve the highest motivation an productivity, and this resulted in the presentation I’m going to deliver at Netponto in Lisboa next Saturday.

I am nor an expert on team dynamics nor a psychologist, so this will be a very practical session where my goal is to share my experience and – to put it in technical terms – some [behavioral/organizational] patterns which might perhaps help you on your next projects.

Come and share your experience :).


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